The Best Wire Connectors for Your Car
Wire splicing is common for a professional in the electrical field, whatever the follow-up is, but perhaps because they don’t have the necessary knowledge of how to splice wires and what types of amendments, they end up failing to perform these services, because their splices fail to offer security and efficiency.
Learn how to make a splice correctly and what types of splices and the types of electrical connectors exist.
The wrong splice can bring big problems to the circuit, being one of the main causes of defects within an installation, so splicing should be carried out in the best possible way.
One of the factors that influence the efficiency of an electrical installation are the seams, if it is poorly insulated or made incorrectly, can cause significant losses due to dissipated heat.
It is important to understand that there are two types of cables, rigid and flexible. The rigid cable consists of only one copper wire (in some aluminum cases). The flexible cable is formed by several copper wires, also in some cases it can be made of aluminum, in compensation these wires are much thinner.
There are several types of cables and for this each one has specific methods to make the amendments. The amendment will never replace a cast cable, that is, without splices, as its mechanical characteristics will never be the same, but if the splicing is well executed, these differences can be minimized as much as possible.
Tips for making a wire splice safely and quality:
Some care must be taken when performing a splicing of derivation, one of them is when stripping the wires, never use a stylus, because it is an instrument that was not manufactured for this type of heaviest work. The stylus is a flexible instrument made of fragile materials. Use a pocket knife if you don't have the proper tool.
To give a better fixation of the conductors, finishing and not getting tips capable of damaging the insulation of the splices, use universal pliers.
When performing the insulation of the splice, pass the electrical tape several times until it stays the same thickness as the wire itself. The deterioration or overheating of this splice can occur if the insulation is made with a small amount of electrical tape.
Whenever possible, tin the cables, as you would do to a solder on wire of electronic devices, as this is a process in which the tin penetrates the copper ensuring that this splice is as close as possible to a fused cable and in this way will reduce the heating at this seam.
Spade connectors
Quickly connect and disconnect electrical devices and cables. Spade connectors allow you to disconnect electronic components from circuits quickly and reliably. They provide tensile strength, thermal conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Being very useful and reliable in car installations.
Waterproof solder wire connector from SOLDERSTICK
One of the best options that we are going to talk about now:
- Wiring Connections
Safe and waterproof in literally seconds! The SolderStick eliminates the hassle and lets you focus on rewiring from the right way.
It allows you to connect and insulate your cables without crimping, soldering or using electrical tape. With IP67 waterproof, hassle-free connection and safe in seconds.
It is used for installations in various segments, mainly in automobiles.
To use it is very simple:
- Peel the wire insulation in 1/3 of inch on both ends of the wire and choose the right size from the connector to your wires.
- Position the wire in the connector and use a heat gun or simply a lighter to melt and shrink the connector tubing.
- Let the terminal cool down.
Ready! Your waterproof and secure connection is now complete